
A podcast about local-first software development



#12 – James Pearce: Tinybase

The guest of this episode is James Pearce, the author of Tinybase, a reactive data store library for local-first apps. This conversation will explore how Tinybase works including its custom query system, the various persistence and syncing integrations as well as James’ plans for the future. 

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Thank you to Expo and Rocicorp for supporting the podcast.


00:00Well, can I just say that, you know, from the point of view of exhaustiveness,
00:04there are many, many unsolved problems in the local-first space.
00:09And I have a horrible feeling that it's easy to think that
00:13synchronization is the problem.
00:14And then once you've solved synchronization, you're good.
00:17Well, I don't think that's true.
00:20I think we all got hung up on, oh, once we crack CRDTs, we'll be good.
00:23no, no, no, no, that's the easy part.
00:25It's not state management, it's the state of the state management in a way.
00:28It's like, should I be synchronizing this data?
00:31Because this person isn't logged in, or is logged in, or is online, or is
00:35offline, or has shared this document, or hasn't shared this document, and
00:39that is actually unsolved, I think.
00:42Welcome to the localfirst.fm podcast.
00:44I'm your host, Johannes Schickling, and I'm a web developer, a
00:47startup founder, and love the craft of software engineering.
00:51For the past few years, I've been on a journey to build a modern, high quality
00:55music app using web technologies.
00:57And in doing so, I've been falling down the rabbit hole of local-first software.
01:01This podcast is your invitation to join me on that journey.
01:05In this episode, I'm speaking to James Pearce, the author of TinyBase, a reactive
01:09datastore library for local-first apps.
01:12In this conversation, we explore how TinyBase works, including its
01:16custom query system, the various persistence and syncing integrations,
01:20as well as James plans for the future.
01:22Before getting started, also a big thank you to Rosicorp and
01:25Expo for supporting this podcast.
01:28And now my interview with James.
01:31Hey, welcome James.
01:32Nice to meet you and nice to have you on the show.
01:34How are you doing?
01:35I'm doing great.
01:36Thank you so much for having me.
01:37Huge privilege to have a chance to come along and chat
01:40about all things local-first.
01:43It's safe to say that you're the first guest so far in the podcast,
01:47who's calling in from a boat, which I think is very on brand for what
01:52local-first software should enable.
01:55and I think Maybe there's a sort of romantic pitch for why you're doing
01:59local-first, or, or maybe not so much.
02:02I think we'll get to that in a moment, but the first time, I've took notice of
02:07you is like when you've been at Facebook back then taking care of overseeing a
02:12whole bunch of open source projects.
02:13So would you mind taking a step back, briefly introducing yourself and sharing
02:18more about, your time at Facebook?
02:21So, I'm James.
02:22I did have a career before Facebook slash Meta, fairly long time ago.
02:27I'm from the UK originally.
02:28I've been in tech nearly all of my professional life.
02:31Moved to California in about, 2010, and started work at Facebook and worked on a
02:38variety of things during my time there.
02:40I was at the company for just over 10 years, but, you know, one of the
02:44highlights for sure was working on.
02:46The open source program, as I'm sure most of the listeners are aware Meta
02:51does have quite a large investment in open source whether it's on the client
02:55JavaScript technology side or on DevTools or on data infrastructure and of course
03:02now on AI, ML and LLM technologies.
03:07And so yeah, it was a, an awesome period of time for me.
03:10It was between about 2014 and 2017.
03:14So I helped out with a bunch of the launches of things like React
03:18and PyTorch and HHVM and various build tools and a whole bunch of things
03:24that people are probably aware of.
03:26And yeah, it was a super exciting time, just in terms of helping to develop how
03:31the company thought about open source and what open source could do for the company.
03:36Wasn't the only thing I did whilst I was at Facebook.
03:38Also worked on Portal, which was the smart speaker device that the company had.
03:43, sadly now discontinued, but, it was, that was pretty awesome working on,
03:46on a hardware project for a bit.
03:48And also spent some time in the data infrastructure team, working on some of
03:52the large data warehouse technologies, that also Meta is fairly well known for.
03:57So, yeah, one of the great things, maybe underappreciated, features of
04:01being an employee at Facebook is you, you do get to, move around a lot.
04:04There are lots of mobility opportunities, and I took the greatest advantage of
04:08that, that I could, and worked on a wide, wide range of different things.
04:11but yeah, enjoyed, every minute of it and then in about 2022.
04:16So yeah, just coming up on two years ago, figured it was a, a good opportunity
04:20to try something completely different.
04:21And so, Moved on, moved on board Scout, which is the boat that you see me on now.
04:27And, sold up, my house and life in Silicon Valley.
04:31And I've been sailing on the ocean waves ever since writing open source
04:35software, so that's where we are.
04:36That sounds quite incredible.
04:38And I mean, Facebook is certainly.
04:41One of the companies that comes to mind is like how to have a positive sum
04:46vision on how to do open source at scale.
04:49, I can't really think of another company that has had such an, such a
04:53positive impact on our web ecosystem.
04:56and in particular With React, with GraphQL.
05:00I'm not as deep on the AI side, but I mean, the recent releases,
05:05et cetera, around Llama, et cetera, this is all, I think a great example
05:09of how a large company can have a very positive impact on the, the
05:15ecosystem beyond its own benefits.
05:17So it's great to hear that you must've had like a very positive impact on that.
The open source culture at Facebook
05:22It's a lot of this.
05:23took time to develop.
05:24I mean you could argue we stumbled into some of these benefits inadvertently.
05:29I think early on it just seemed like the right thing to do.
05:32The company had been built on other people's open source when, you know,
05:36Mark Zuckerberg started the site.
05:38PHP, running on Apache with MySQL.
05:41And so there was always this sense of standing on the shoulders of other giants.
05:44And so there was a, an almost cultural obligation to share back things like
05:49Memcached and, you know, some of the early things that the company was working on.
05:53but then it began to become apparent that it was more than just that obligation.
05:57It was also, starting to help lead the industry because as Facebook
06:01grew, it was experiencing problems that other apps or other sites
06:06weren't, just because of its scale.
06:07And so it was like the advanced guard of finding out what happens when you
06:11build really complicated web apps.
06:13and so that was what gave birth to React, you know, at the
06:16time that React was launched.
06:18You know, most web apps were still MVC that was kind of the prevailing
06:22pattern and it was still, still super easy to have inconsistencies between
06:27state across a big complicated app.
06:29And so, you know, React's innovation was, you know, how do we make sure that
06:32the, the user interface is always a pure function of data that's gone into it.
06:37And, you know, at the time it seemed heretical, but pretty quickly other
06:40people started to hit the same.
06:42scaling issues with, with MVC apps and, and, and realized
06:45that React was maybe a way out.
06:46And that's the pattern I think at Facebook over and over again, whether it's data
06:50infrastructure or or even ML, you know, the, the company is experiencing problems
06:55that others will face, but haven't yet.
06:57And so it has a chance to maybe share back some of its solutions from the future, so
07:02to speak, so that others then benefit from those as they experience those challenges.
07:06Um, so that was, that was one of the big drivers, I think.
07:09Obviously, it helps with recruiting, right?
07:10Because you're demonstrating the kinds of problems that you're solving
07:13and that gets people excited to come and help solve those problems.
07:16and it also kind of opens the windows onto the kind of code that people are
07:20building at a company like Facebook.
07:22And obviously, there are lots of world class engineers there, and there's no
07:26better way of learning that than seeing the kind of code that they're writing.
07:29, and so it kind of gives you that little bit of visibility into the, the caliber of
07:34the, the engineers that are working there.
07:35And yeah, so there, there were benefits coming back to the company
07:39and just in terms of engineering brand and recruiting, that over time became,
07:43that became so obvious that it was like, okay, now we need to just keep
07:45investing in all of these things.
07:47Um, and it's now more than just a thing that we're doing for fun.
07:50It's now something that's actually bringing real value to the business.
07:54And I think there's no coincidence that now some of the most prolific, open
08:01source and tool builders, actually used to work at Facebook, like thinking of
08:05the people who invented GraphQL, now building other technologies or Matt
08:10Wonlaw, who was just on the show, was also at Facebook for, for a while.
08:15So I think really like this deep culture.
08:17around great developer experience and very principled thinking,
08:21like marrying those two together.
08:22I think this is what, what makes tools really successful and sticky.
08:27And I think this is what the internal, Facebook engineering culture has
08:32sort of like brought to light.
08:34I will say it's not as easy as it sounds.
08:36there are lots of things you have to do behind the scenes and as
08:38someone that was responsible.
08:40for the the overall program rather than individual projects, you know, I
08:44needed to think about how we I guess sell this concept internally, right?
08:49Because if you're an engineering manager and you're running a team and they've
08:53decided they want to spend 20 percent of their time supporting their project on
08:57github You're like wait, but now i'm down 20 percent in terms of like my internal
09:00goals So a lot of it was a lot of the challenges were internally Making sure
09:05that everybody was on board with the, the macro global benefits, even if at a
09:09local level, it seemed like it was a cost.
09:12but we got around that in a variety of different ways.
09:14, one of the ways that, you know, perhaps isn't obvious, but I will
09:16state it because I think it was, it was perhaps even innovative at the
09:20time, is make sure you're using exactly the same code from GitHub internally
09:25and I see lots of companies that, you know, are doing open source, but
09:28it's a fork that they've thrown over the wall from a couple of years ago.
09:31And now they've diverged and they're doing something completely different internally.
09:34and that never works because of course that always gets forgotten about relative
09:38to the thing that's being used internally.
09:39But I think it's pretty awesome that you go to GitHub and you look at slash
09:44react, and then you go to facebook.
09:46com and you view source.
09:48And you will see exactly the same code, because the, the internal version of
09:52React and the external version are being synchronized commit by commit.
09:56and so that means that you never get out of sync.
09:58It means that the engineers who are working internally get to
10:01see their value immediately going to the community and vice versa.
10:04The community gets to see their value, appearing on the world's largest website.
10:07So, those things are hard, like, infrastructurally to get working, but
10:11those are the kinds of things that, that then help the whole open source machine
10:15work inside a large company like that.
How James got into local-first: living on a boat
10:18So in 2022, you mentioned you sold your house, you, like, made a drastic change to
10:24your life, and you moved onto your boat.
10:27how Did that lead you to local-first?
10:29It seems to coincide a bit timing wise to, to also, start like working
10:35on TinyBase as your primary project.
10:37Can you share more about that?
10:39Yeah, I guess with the benefit of hindsight, you can rework the
10:42origin story a little bit and say, Oh yeah, it was all intentional.
10:45it wasn't, of course.
10:46I had.
10:47Some good milestones in my life you know, my, my kids were leaving home and
10:52had reached my 10 year anniversary at Facebook and the boat that we had been
10:57dreaming about, you know, was, was ready.
10:59and so it seemed like it was a good idea to do all these, these things at the same
11:02time in terms of my, my life choices.
11:05but as regards local-first and TinyBase, which is the project that I've been
11:10working on that I'm sure we'll, we'll talk about, that was somewhat Coincidental,
11:15that was something that I had been, you know, thinking about for a long time.
11:18but I think, yeah, then once you move on a boat, the, a number of the
11:23benefits of, of building local-first apps suddenly become acutely clear.
11:27It's like, wait, Oh, sometimes I really just don't have a cloud.
11:30And sometimes even if I do, my network is pretty bad.
11:34And it really throws into perspective the difference between the apps that
11:38I native apps, right, that do have much better local support and the web
11:44apps, which just now fail to load.
11:46And it really threw into stark relief the difference between them at the
11:50same time, as I said, I was working on TinyBase and maybe I can reverse the local
11:55local-first principle into into the origin story of TinyBase because it does seem
11:59to help support those kinds of things.
12:01and then like almost within a month, I then read the Ink and Switch article
12:05and I saw the essay about Rffle.
12:07I'm like, okay, all my, all these things are converging and , and
12:12it all suddenly made sense.
12:13So there was a lot of serendipity involved in kind of weaving
12:17these narratives together.
12:18But yeah, certainly life on a boat does, does make you think about
12:23local-first a lot more than living in some, you know, high density,
12:26high network connectivity lifestyle.
12:28So, yeah, no, it definitely helped inform my thinking about this and has encouraged
The journey to TinyBase
12:36So you mentioned keep working on TinyBase.
12:38So something must've led you to start working on TinyBase to begin
12:43with, and later you oriented more around local-first, what was the
12:48impetus to start working on TinyBase?
12:50So, well, maybe I should just like rewind a little bit in case
12:54it's not blindingly obvious.
12:56I love building stuff and all of my life, I guess, I've been, you
13:01know, surrounded by computers.
13:02I was programming when I was a kid and, you know, grew up always trying to
13:06create things with code and I guess the lifestyle of a manager or a director at
13:12Meta is that you tend to get a little further and further away from the code
13:17base, which I found sad because even though I love managing teams and people
13:22and helping grow teams, Organizations and so forth, like some part of me,
13:27like a primeval part of me still needs to be building something of my own.
13:31And so, that, that was really the origin of just doing something, anything.
13:36I just needed to be able to keep building even if it was
13:39just a small project for myself.
13:41And then obviously once I left the company and I started to find I had
13:44more time, I was able to start investing a little bit more effort into it.
13:49And yeah, the, the original kind of story for, for building TinyBase was that I
13:55had an idea in my mind of an app that would be really cool, but I knew that
13:59in order to build that app, I was going to need to have something like TinyBase.
14:03So, you know, without going into too much detail, you know, when we were
14:06at when I was at Facebook, I, I, I needed a way to manage the state of
14:11hundreds of open source projects, right?
14:12And so we built some internal tools that allowed us to, Pull from GitHub, you
14:18know, the state of all of the repos, how many pull requests, issues, and so forth.
14:22And um, That tooling really made it easy for us to look at this
14:26huge portfolio and figure out what was going well and what wasn't.
14:29But I felt like the world itself could benefit from something like
14:33that So I thought maybe maybe there's a there's an app out there somewhere
14:36which would be , a GitHub at scale kind of interface that would let you
14:40manage your open source portfolio.
14:42And so anyway, I thought, well, if I needed an app like that, and I'd need
14:45to put it in a browser, and I'd need to have some kind of way of storing
14:49the tables of repos and issues and pull requests, you know, how would I do that?
14:53Like, what is a good tabular data store that runs in the browser?
14:57And there isn't, well, back then anyway, 2021 2022, there wasn't
15:02really an obvious way to do that.
15:04And so I thought, well, rather than building the app, I'll start off by
15:07building a state management library that allows me to store tabular data that in
15:13the future will store this data that I need in this app that I haven't built yet.
15:16And yeah, that, that, that's where TinyBase originally came from.
15:20I knew it needed sort of database semantics, but didn't actually
15:24need to be a database, right?
15:25It could still be considered an in memory data store.
15:28and I'm sure everyone's familiar with the idea of a, you know,
15:31kind of a store in a React app.
15:33But I wanted it to kind of look and feel a little bit like a database.
15:36I wanted it to feel like it had tables and rows and cells.
15:39I wanted to do queries against it, and I wanted to be able to do aggregates
15:42of the data so I could count up the number of stars or commits in a
15:45repo and all those kinds of things.
15:47so yeah, that was the original, idea of TinyBase, you know, something
15:51that wasn't a database, but sort of had database conceptual semantics.
15:56and that's where it popped up.
15:57And then of course I stumbled into the Rffle And you
16:01know, Ink and Switch material.
16:03And I obviously spotted that you were doing something similar with,
16:06with a SQLite approach, which is obviously literally a database.
16:09So you literally get the database semantics.
16:12but yeah, by that point I'd kind of committed myself to
16:14doing an in memory approach.
16:17So I thought, well, let's, let's try both.
16:20, and I, and so I kept pushing, pushing forward with TinyBase.
16:23Now the story has obviously evolved a lot since then.
16:25TinyBase is now a lot better about integrating with real databases.
16:29We can come on to talk about that.
16:30Um, but yeah, that was, that was the origin story.
16:33It was just something I needed for myself.
16:35I thought the world needed, and I went and built it.
16:37And then once I found I had more time, I guess I kept building.
16:41that is amazing.
16:41I think there's a lot of similarities in terms of your motivations, et cetera.
16:46Maybe a few different technical decisions along the way, but for me,
16:51starting to work on Overtone would have not been feasible without having
16:56a very substantial State, local state management foundation to build on top of.
17:01And this is how I then like got to know Jeffrey, et cetera, and
17:05started getting involved with Rffle.
17:07So it seems like there is a clear parallel to you wanting to build your own app
17:12and realizing, okay, that's going to be terrible working on that app without
17:17those primitives that you have in mind.
17:19So obviously you got to start building your, your own state
17:22management system first.
17:24so, and kudos to you.
17:26I think TinyBase is one of the most polished and, sophisticated solutions
17:31that is already out there where I think a lot of technologies are, maybe have
17:37really great ideas, but are still.
17:40pretty early in terms of being approachable and having the
17:43supporting resources around it.
17:45So, for example, LiveStore is not yet open source.
17:48It's available to GitHub sponsors, but it doesn't have documentation yet.
17:52It doesn't have guides yet.
17:53It doesn't have, like, all of those, supporting material around it.
17:57Whereas TinyBase has a gorgeous website.
18:00Really polished docs, lots of examples, lots of guides.
18:05you keep, releasing regularly, like new versions, integrations
18:09with different other technologies.
18:11So really, really exciting how far you've come.
18:14I'm now looking forward to trying to understand better the different details.
18:19Well, just firstly, a bit, a little bit of a meta point on
18:22the, on the kind of the polish.
18:23so a side kind of motivation for this was to see what it was like
18:28to build software where I didn't have to make any major compromises.
18:33and I'm sure you and, and, and the people listening or watching, you
18:36know, have, have written software where you're under a deadline or there's
18:40some set of constraints and you just start cutting corners, you know, ah,
18:44you know, this bit of code is really crappy or, well, we didn't have time
18:47to finish the test coverage or, no, just, we've got to ship it, right?
18:50Cause that's, and actually that's fine.
18:52I mean that, that, that's life.
18:56I always feel like some.
18:57Sort of perfectionist part of my brain is always like, ah, like next time,
19:02next time, I'm going to make it perfect.
19:03Next time, you know, the architecture is going to be perfect.
19:06Next time the test coverage is going to be a hundred percent.
19:09And so given that I now had this project that only I was working on,
19:13I was really only my only customer.
19:15I had a bunch of spare time.
19:17I figured.
19:18, if I'm ever going to have a chance to build, quote, what I thought was
19:21perfect software, and of course that's subjective, it's just my view that it's
19:23perfect then this was going to be it.
19:25So, can I build a piece of software that has, you know, 100 percent test coverage,
19:30is refactored, like, so iteratively that eventually it can't be refactored anymore.
19:36, it's got all the documentation you could ever need.
19:39It's got the best website that me and my crappy web design can manage.
19:43Um, and I, you know, I don't have a deadline, right?
19:47I don't have somebody breathing down my neck.
19:48I don't have some investors I got to keep happy.
19:51It's like, no, it's like, I'm going to polish this thing.
19:54It's, and it's a beautiful, feeling of kind of craftsmanship, which I have
19:59rarely had before in my professional life.
20:01You know, often you feel like you're a tradesman.
20:03You're just like knocking stuff out for a customer or for a deadline.
20:06But suddenly I could feel like, sounds pretentious, but
20:09almost like an artist, right?
20:10You know, artisanal software that's like perfectly polished
20:14to my, to my specification.
20:16And that was an interesting journey in its own right.
20:18By the way, it's also a curse because you could just end up polishing and
20:22polishing and polishing and then forgetting to actually share it with
20:25you, share it with the rest of the world.
20:27So, you know, there are downsides to this as well.
20:30But no, I always wanted to invest in test coverage, and documentation.
20:35And by the way, and this is an interesting side story we may not have time for,
20:39but like, as a result, you build lots of tools to help you do that too, right?
20:44So I've now got tools that help me generate the documentation, tools
20:48that help me generate test cases.
20:50The documentation, as you identified, has lots of examples and sample code.
20:54Each piece of sample code is also a unit test, right?
20:57It'll actually take the code out of the documentation and run
20:59it which is obviously stuff that I had to go and build myself.
21:02but that was all me, you know, thinking, well, I don't want to, I
21:06don't want a piece of code in the documentation that doesn't actually run.
21:09Like, you know, what happens if I refactor the code and I
21:11forget that it was in the docs?
21:13I know exactly what you're talking about.
21:15There's a little thing that comes to mind.
21:17I'm not sure where I've seen it, but I think it was along the lines of
21:21like a yuck yuck tree, like the, the concept of like yuck shaving and
21:27like a tree of dependencies or like how you would try to do one thing.
21:31And to do that, you had to like diverge into a different side
21:36project and then your side project has a side project and you see like
21:40a dependency tree of Yuck Shaving.
21:43So I know exactly what you're talking about.
21:45That's right.
21:46That's right.
21:47And each one of those tools for the tools for the tools, each one
21:50of them has to be perfect as well.
21:51So, anyway, it's probably a fractal thing.
21:54, but yeah, that, that, that itself has been a really interesting journey trying
21:57to build the, the software that I really always yearned to be able to,
22:03to build even as it scales, which is, you know, tricky to be honest.
22:07And obviously once people start using it too, because then now you've got
22:11opinions coming from people outside saying, Oh, well, you know, you
22:15might think it's perfect that you do this, but we don't like it like that.
22:18You're like, ah, now I've got this dilemma.
22:20Like, am I going to break my perfect thing to do the thing
22:24that actually a customer wants?
22:25Well, of course, you know, because if no one's using it,
22:28then then what was the point?
22:29So there is a a whole set of interesting trade offs that
22:33you then start, start making.
22:34But no, just again, true to its name, I would say the most interesting
22:38part of that is how did, how do you make it as small as possible?
22:43and I, maybe that's not so important these days in the world of, faster internet
22:46connections, et cetera, and good bundlers.
22:48But like, I wanted to see, like, could I make this like as almost, you know,
22:53infinitely as small as I could make it?
22:55and so I spent a lot of time thinking about minification,
22:57a lot of time thinking about.
22:59you know, how to refactor the code in a way that, you know, made it compress
23:03really small and, you know, it's still, it's still pretty small for what it does.
23:06That is awesome.
23:07I highly encourage everyone who's watching this to also check out
23:11your beautiful website and the documentation, the examples, et cetera.
23:16I think you've laid it out very clearly.
23:18but given this is a podcast where most people listen to, would you
23:23mind in words, trying to describe what TinyBase is, like, for example,
23:29in the context of a React app.
23:32Well, firstly, TinyBase.
23:34org will do a better job of explaining it than I will do now,
23:38so definitely go, go check that out.
23:40, it's very nice that you say it's beautiful.
23:41I'm no graphic designer and I actually think the website
23:45could do with a bit of love.
23:46So if anybody would like to come along and make it look a little nicer,
23:49they are very welcome to file some.
23:51CSS pull requests on me, I would be very happy to take those.
23:54But, that all said yeah, look, the basic idea or the strap line
23:59is that TinyBase is a reactive data store for local-first apps.
24:05And I'm very careful to say data store, not database.
24:08I don't want anyone thinking that it literally is a database.
24:11it's a data store, but it just has characteristics that are perhaps
24:15familiar to people who have thought about relational databases in the past.
24:19I also say that it's for local-first apps because I'm riding on the back
24:24of the cool local-first movement that's happening right now.
24:27I guess there's no obligation to only use it on local-first apps.
24:31I think, you know, even a permanently online app that wants some tabular
24:35data store in the browser would still be able to use TinyBase.
24:41But yeah, that's the principle.
24:43It's in memory.
24:44So the data is either loaded up from some local you know, to the browser,
24:50some local storage, or session storage, or IndexedDB, and then
24:55it's loaded into memory, and then you build your app on top of it in
24:59a way that is fully reactive to the changes that happen to that data store.
25:04So, in a way, you have delegated all of the data provisioning, loading,
25:11synchronization, whatever, to TinyBase, and you just build your app as a pure
25:16function of the TinyBase contents, and I will take care of getting all that
25:20data updated in the background for you.
25:22Whether I'm pulling it from the web, or I'm synchronizing it with CRDTs, or I'm
25:27pulling it out of a local store, or I'm firing it over PartyKit WebSockets to your
25:32friends you know, I'll do all of that.
25:35All you have to do is build a UI that hooks into tables or rows or cells or
25:41key value pairs in, in the TinyBase data.
25:43and your app will always be reacting to, to those changes.
25:48So that's the basic principle.
25:49It doesn't have to use React, incidentally.
25:51Like, there's nothing to stop you just, you know, listening to changes
25:54in the data directly, and then just, I don't know, document dot
25:57writing out stuff if you want to.
25:59But React does work well because, obviously, that also has a
26:02sort of reactive principle.
26:03And so you can use hooks to attach your components to any of the
26:09elements of the, the, the store.
26:11And by the way, you can do that at any granularity.
26:13So you could have a component that was just watching one cell of one row of one
26:17table, or you could have a component that was watching a whole set of tables, or
26:21one set of key value pairs, what have you.
26:24Lots of different ways to listen.
26:26And you know, TinyBase will make the, or do the job of, you know, alerting you
26:31when just that thing that you've looked, you're looking at has, has changed.
26:35And the same then goes for queries against the database, by the way.
26:38So if you want to do something more interesting than just watching raw data,
26:42you also want to look at aggregates or you know, relationships between
26:46data, or in fact, just queries.
26:48construct arbitrary queries.
26:50You can then attach your app to listen to the results of those.
26:53And again, I'll take care of all the reactivity behind the scenes
26:57and your app will update when, when when those results do.
27:01So I guess when I explain it like that, it sounds like TinyBase is doing quite a lot.
27:05and that's probably why, you know, we're two years in and it's taken me
27:09quite a long time to get to this point.
27:10But yeah, that's the basic principle.
27:12And I would say, I think this is kind of an interesting approach
27:17to apps, whereby You know, how the data gets into the memory of the app
27:22is kind of, like, delegated away.
27:24And you, as an app builder, now don't need to worry about things like
27:29going on or offline, or things like synchronizing, or things like storing.
27:33Like, you should expect your data storage layer to kind of handle
27:37that for you, and you are then just painting your app out of the palette
27:42of data that is provided to you.
27:46because As I'm sure you know, and I'm sure many of the listeners know,
27:50the acts of synchronization and storage and dealing with all these
27:54network conditions is just horrible.
27:56And rather a small number of people deal with those problems than have
28:00everybody trying to build a local-first app having to re solve those problems
28:03is probably the long way to go.
28:06and so I, I, I guess that's what I'm hoping happens.
28:09And it's not just TinyBase, of course, there are lots of other people in this
28:11space, yourself included, but, you know, many other vendors at this point
28:14who are trying to crack these problems.
28:16and I think it's because it's hard and we know that we have to get
28:19this layer of infrastructure going before the, oh the local-first
28:26ecosystem, you know, really takes off.
28:28I suspect that at the moment we may have more vendors building
28:32solutions than we actually have apps.
28:35Bit of an offhand assessment there, but, you know, there are a lot of
28:38people trying to solve these problems.
28:40And I think it's because it's genuinely hard.
28:42And what I really hope is that we can make it easy enough
28:45collectively that that people can build these apps much more simply.
28:49And you get the benefits of local-first without having to have a degree in
28:52computer science for synchronization.
28:54That's what we're all trying to get.
28:56And, and I think we're getting really close to, to that where I think right
29:01now the de facto, solution for state management on the client might rather look
29:07something like MobX or some people might still like use Redux or Redux toolkit,
29:12et cetera, or, or like React query.
29:15and I think it's hard enough to build an app that works in the right way.
29:20And most developers don't, dare yet to think about persistence
29:25and working offline, trying to make it work, just like that.
29:29And I think a technology like TinyBase can really, raise the, the floor quite a
29:35lot in terms of what a state management solution can give you out of the box.
29:39It gives you all of the things something like MobX does, but also on top of it
29:44gives you persistence, gives you offline functionality, gives you syncing.
29:49So I think we just, yeah, raised the floor.
29:53So in terms of the different responsibilities, I'm curious to hear
29:57a little bit more, and I think what stands out about TinyBase here is is
30:01that you really went above and beyond to make things flexible and pluggable.
30:05So for the persistence path, I think you do allow a whole different range of
30:11different options to persist, whether it's IndexedDB or, or other options
30:15as well as for, for the syncing.
30:17So would you mind sharing a little bit more about the details and
TinyBase syncing evolution
30:22Yeah, certainly.
30:23So in the very first instance, I was just jSON serializing the content
30:29of the store and writing it to local storage, or to session storage, or to
30:34file, because you can obviously run TinyBase on a node server as well.
30:38And, that's great, and in 2022 that seemed like the Basically, you know,
30:45when you're thinking about small stores anyway that seems like a fine array of
30:49ways to do it, but Obviously people start to push the boundaries of what you can
30:53store in those media and just serialize JSON isn't necessarily the way to go
30:56So I think IndexedDB was probably the next one that I tackled was not as easy.
31:00, just Just as a small side note, IndexedDB is not the most
31:05enjoyable API to work with.
31:08Most notably, it lacks any form of reactivity whatsoever that I know of.
31:12I think there were some proposals that never went anywhere.
31:15But there's no observability.
31:17So it's kind of Crappy to have to poll for changes, but , yeah,
31:22I do now have that as well.
31:24So you can either save your in memory store to IndexedDB or load
31:29it or automatically save to it when changes happen or automatically load
31:33from it with a polling mechanism.
31:35so that, that, that, that's there as well and and then around the same
31:40time, in fact, it was Matt Wonlow that I know it was on your show a
31:43little while back he was working on his CR SQLite solution and I started to see
31:50that SQLite was starting to emerge.
31:53as as a browser opportunity.
31:57And so I figured, well, you know, there'll be people who want to store it in the
32:00browser on, on a SQLite database as well.
32:03So I went down the path of supporting that.
32:06So the tables that were in your memory store in TinyBase can
32:10now be literally written out to tables in a SQLite instance.
32:14Or read in, and again, reactivity is not perfect.
32:19, some APIs are better than others, but you know, do what I can to, to
32:23keep that as synchronized as possible.
32:26And that then opened the door to support things like PowerSync
32:31and, uh Turso and ElectricSQL.
32:37, I also did.
32:38PartyKit along the way, which is not a SQLite store, but it's a
32:42kind of a WebSocket based way of storing data up in a durable object,
32:46and so it supported that also.
32:49So yeah, there was a period, probably over the last year or so, that the
32:52version 4 series of TinyBase, if you like, where each major release was me adding
32:56support for one of these new storage technologies or synchronization platforms.
33:02The other two that are very worthy of note are AutoMerge and YJS, so those
33:08are more classic CRDT technologies, but you can store TinyBase into a
33:13Yjs document, or load it from a Yjs document, or into an automerge document.
33:18And then, of course, you've got the benefit of those two
33:20platforms synchronizing in whatever way they want to.
33:23So, yeah, I guess you could say I, am providing a lot of options.
33:28Maybe too many.
33:29I, Suspect that when you go to the website and you see all these
33:31baffling options, you're like, Oh yeah, but which do I actually choose?
33:34so what I'm hoping to do actually fairly soon is write a guide for, you know,
33:38this is the kind of app I'm building.
33:39This is the kind of platform I should use, or this is how I should synchronize.
33:43Do I do the synchronization myself or do I rely on some third party to do it?
33:47And at the same time, obviously we've seen companies like PowerSync and
33:51ElectricSQL, you know coming forward with their, their solutions here.
33:54And so, yeah, if people are using TinyBase and they want to Provide
33:58a a gateway to those systems, then that's that option as well.
34:01So yeah, I have tried to be as flexible as possible.
34:04One of the privileges, I guess, of working on this as a hobby is that,
34:07you know, I can be open to working with as many of these partners as possible,
34:12whether they're commercial startups or just open source projects, right?
34:15I'm not in competition with anybody.
34:18And so if I'm providing a way for developers to onboard onto these
34:21different things, then that's great.
34:22I definitely have a view that the, the tide is rising up.
34:26I'm saying that on a boat but the local tide is rising, local-first tide is
34:30rising, and I'm happy to see all boats go with it even in the long term.
34:35, even if in the long term TinyBase becomes not needed because, you
34:40know, all of these other platforms have, have matured to the point where
34:43they're offering what I already do.
34:44But I think in the meantime, I'm hopefully providing a nice, disambiguation
34:49layer or you know, something like that to help people decide what their
34:53approach is going to be without having to rewrite their app dramatically.
34:57So yeah, today you could store your TinyBase data to local
35:00storage and tomorrow you could then sync it to ElectricSQL.
35:03Why not, right?
35:04So in terms of the data that is persisted, let's say to IndexedDB or OPFS, SQLite,
35:11or synced to one of the syncing providers, how do you bring the data into memory?
35:18And do you typically, let's say I have a, let's say I'm using
35:22Turso and have my SQLite database somewhere, Is TinyBase automatically,
35:27hydrating all of that data from the database into the in memory version?
35:32Or is there some sort of scoped version where maybe the database is two
35:36gigabytes and you only can constrain yourself to 200 megabytes in memory?
35:42how are you handling that?
35:44So for all of the database based persisters, I call them, there's a
35:48configuration where you say which tables you want and, you know,
35:52whether you want to just load from those tables or whether you also
35:55want to be able to save back to them.
35:57the worst thing I could think of would be somebody with some large production
36:00database and they connect TinyBase to it and the next thing you know, it's
36:03tried to load the entire database into memory or it's tried to write No, back
36:08to the whole database, and then, you know, that's the end of the world.
36:10So no, it's all very configurable on a table by table basis.
36:15And the one thing I have not done, but I'm pretty sure I need to
36:18do, is also provide some kind of pagination or filtering on that view.
36:23because if you've got a database that has, let's say you, you, you shard
36:27it on user or something, and you only want to be able to see just the data
36:31from that user, which, you know, it's gonna be a pretty common use case,
36:34then make sure that persistence is not for the whole table, but just
36:38for the relevant rows, of that table.
36:41I think it's going to be harder than I think it is.
36:43I suspect there are lots of gotchas to doing that.
36:46, and so for now, there's my, my solution or my suggestion will be that people
36:51doing this should probably have a per user database, which is kind of an
36:56interesting approach that I know some people have started taking anyway,
36:59for, for edge based, databases.
37:02Um, so that, you know, you're, you're in no danger of, accidentally
37:06loading data from a different user into someone's browser.
37:09But no, that's definitely something I need to tackle.
37:12So it's scoped, to answer your question, it's scoped to individual tables as
37:16to whether it's load or save or both.
37:18But I think over time we need to add more pagination.
37:21So that you are just looking at, you know, the top 10 records,
37:23100 records, or what have you.
37:25The reactivity gets really tricky at that point because I'm sure you
37:29know, you know, SQLite's reactivity out of the box is pretty weak.
37:32At best, you're going to know that a table changed.
37:35And what are you going to do?
37:36Query the whole table to find out which row it was that changed.
37:40And so knowing that it was row 47 out of 2 billion that was the one that changed.
37:45is not currently something that the database platforms provide by default.
37:49Um, So, that's one thing where I am really having to work around
37:54those limitations right now.
37:56, and I'm hoping, if I can't make it clearer to you, I'm hoping that people
37:59working on SQLite are going to crack this and provide, you know technologies
38:03that make it easier to synchronize at a much more granular level, or get
38:06reactivity at a much more granular level, so that TinyBase isn't having to poll
38:10everything in a way that doesn't scale.
38:13Yeah, I mean, I, I think, Ideally for SQLite, the most principled and
38:21foundational approach would be to rebuild SQLite from the ground up to
38:27be incremental and to be reactive.
38:29And I think actually a former coworker of yours, who is um, Julian, who
38:35has also created, like HipHopVM at, at Facebook and, and HackLang.
38:40he's actually trying to, to do that with a new startup called, Skip that is a
38:45very ambitious, or even audacious goal to build the whole new database from scratch
38:50to be reactive, from the ground up.
38:53Which I think is very, very interesting, but short of that, I think you, you're
38:57left by imposing, reactivity, primitives on top of SQLite and the best you can
39:04do there is to do the minimal amount of work, you need at a given situation.
39:09So instead of pulling the entire table that, you know, okay, row 47 has changed.
39:16And that requires quite a bit of like a reactivity system on top of it.
39:20And so luckily with, a signal like system, that is a, it's a pretty
39:25good, primitive to put on top of it, to implement that reactivity.
39:30But, yeah, it's not as efficient as you, if you'd build it
39:33from the, from the ground up.
39:35That being said, SQLite is so fast that you get a lot of performance benefits out
39:40of the box and you can get away with it.
39:42Yeah, that's true.
39:43you know, certainly on the client.
39:44Um, yeah, I, I, without, you know, sharing too much, internal stuff,
39:49there was a big push, at Facebook.
39:51I'm thinking six, seven years ago, you know, to think about reactivity for
39:56the entire Facebook stack, because this concept of, you know, taking the ideas
40:00of React that were out on facebook.
40:02com and bringing them all the way back through the web servers, which are
40:06HHVM, all the way through to the data stores that were being used at the
40:10company, you know, like it's a utopian vision, but like, if you can make
40:14that push based all the way through.
40:16That's spectacular.
40:17and you know, Julian and I were probably in many of the same, uh
40:22discussion groups and, you know, internal Facebook groups where a lot of
40:25these ideas were being bounced around.
40:27And, and so yeah, when he left and went off and did, Skip and you know,
40:31I guess maybe some of this informed my thinking about TinyBase too, you know,
40:36that dream is still very much alive.
40:40and yeah, it's coming from, ironically, it's like it's coming from React.
40:44That idea is coming from React.
40:45It's just like, well, okay, can we bring that idea a little bit further back,
40:48and then a little bit further back, and then a little bit further back?
40:51Oh, like, and then we end up on the database.
40:53Like, why can't we get the database to be, you know, telling us about these changes?
40:57And, yeah, I guess that would be the vision.
41:00Unfortunately, I haven't checked in recently, but I think SkipDB wasn't
41:04Wasn't at a level where I could start working with it, when I last looked.
41:08Um, so yeah.
41:10I think it's not yet fully production ready, but as far as I know,
41:13they're just still working on it.
41:15So in terms of the query layer for TinyBase, you have, not
41:21implemented SQL as a query language on top of your own data store.
41:25Um, so yeah.
41:25But you've provided, given that JavaScript or TypeScript is the
41:29primary way how you interact with it, you've just embedded a DSL, as a
41:34query language directly into TinyBase.
41:36So would you mind briefly describing that and, how that describes a user
41:40experience or the developer experience?
41:42Right, right.
41:43So the, the journey here for me was that first I knew there were going
41:47to be some very simple query like primitives that I wanted to have.
41:51So one is, like a metric, which is some kind of, you know, number
41:57derived from the content in a table.
41:59And I knew that that was going to be the first thing I wanted to have if I was
42:02building this hypothetical GitHub app.
42:04I was going to want to have a number in the top that said number of repos,
42:07and I was going to want to have a number that said number of commits.
42:10And so I actually baked in.
42:12a kind of a metrics oriented DSL where you can define a metric which is, you know,
42:19basic aggregates, counts, averages, sums, those sorts of things, which by default
42:24is normally just counting the rows in a table, but that is then a reactive entity.
42:29So again, you can say, I just want this span in the top right hand
42:33corner of the window to just always show whatever that metric was,
42:36and then you can forget about it.
42:38And if that table is updated, You know that number's going to change,
42:40TinyBase will take care of it.
42:42another thing that I knew I was going to need to do was
42:44relationships between tables.
42:45So I built a very specific thing for just one local table, one remote foreign
42:51table, and then like keys between them.
42:53So the value of one column in one table is used as the identifier for another.
42:57And so, yeah, you want to see the issues just for this repo, or you want to see
43:01the repos just for this user, then you'll be able to do those kinds of things.
43:04So those are, were actually baked in pretty early to TinyBase, just because
43:07they seemed Very important, but I, I guess I knew eventually people were
43:13going to want to push that on and start doing things like arbitrary queries.
43:20And I toyed with the idea of, you know, supporting SQL in some form.
43:26And I should say, I love SQL.
43:28I have been writing SQL most of my professional career, which
43:30you know, goes back a fair way.
43:33And my most recent role at Facebook was, you know, the data analytics
43:37team in the data infrastructure org.
43:40So you know, we were working with SQL all the time.
43:43Perhaps despite that, or because of that, I kind of got nervous about doing
43:47an arbitrary SQL parser, evaluator, executor, and then being able to make
43:53the results reactive, which was like, that's the, that's That's the non deniable
43:58requirement, like, it has to be, reactive.
44:01So, I didn't really have a lot of choice, but, oh, and by the way, you
44:06know, a full SQL parser with all the dialects you'd want is, like, it's
44:09gonna quadruple the size of TinyBase.
44:12It's just, it's code based.
44:13So, no longer tiny.
44:15So, I wanted to come at it from a slightly different direction.
44:19I know I'm not the only person to have thought of doing more like a DSL approach
44:22to this, but I, I wanted to see whether I could capture as much of the, the
44:26valuable parts of SQL without turning it into a place where people could build
44:31stupid cartesian joins and kill their app.
44:34so I wanted to make it kind of a little bit on rails.
44:37And yeah, it was the idea of TinyQL was born, which is kind of a stupid name.
44:41But it's, as you said, a DSL that allows you to, you know,
44:45select, where, group, limit.
44:48, actually, no, I don't have a limit in there.
44:50I limit a later part in the pipeline.
44:53But, yeah, basically allows you to join tables together.
44:56and then where them, there's havings and groups and those kinds of things too,
45:02which like really is what 98 percent of people want to do with SQL anyway.
45:07And haven't really come across too many queries that I can't express
45:11with these five or six quote keywords.
45:14Yeah, the cool thing about SQL is you can do anything.
45:17The awful thing about SQL is you can do anything.
45:19And, I have worked with enough people who thought they knew what SQL did and
45:24didn't quite know what it did to, you know, see the trouble you can get into.
45:27So I really, yeah, wanted to make it a little bit more constrained than that.
45:31And it's, it's been, it was a real journey.
45:33That was a very tricky, for me, anyway.
45:35, that was a very tricky thing to build, especially making sure
45:38that all the results are reactive.
45:39Because, by the way, you know, any of those tables could change.
45:43Any of the rows in those tables could change.
45:44In fact, you don't want to react to the changes of the results if
45:47some of the irrelevant rows change.
45:49You only want to know if it was the relevant rows that changed.
45:51So you have to set up listeners on all the things that were relevant and
45:54not the things that were irrelevant.
45:56so that ended up being a little harder than I thought, but yeah,
45:59pretty proud with how it turned out.
46:00And as a result, and I would urge people to go check this out, You can
46:04build kind of interesting analytics apps, right, with this, in the browser.
46:09So if you go to the TinyBase.
46:11org demos, you'll see there's a demo.
46:14I think it's called car analytics or something like that.
46:17And it takes a data set of car data, different models, different
46:20makes, miles per gallon, years.
46:23So there's a bunch of numerical measures and there's a bunch of dimensions.
46:27And in the browser, it loads all the data in pretty quick.
46:30It's not that much data, but you know, loads it in pretty quickly.
46:32And then you can do groups, sorts, filters, across all
46:35of this data in the browser.
46:37And it's like, it's completely instant.
46:39It's like, great, love it.
46:41and look, this is not going to be great for querying the Facebook data
46:44warehouse, however many hundreds of petabytes that is these days, but
46:49it is going to be fine if you've got 10 or 100, 000 rows in your browser.
46:53And Don't be scared, people.
46:55Like, getting a hundred thousand rows of data into a browser is not hard.
46:58The browser is perfectly capable of doing that.
47:00You know, most even phones are very happy to run that kind
47:04of sized data in, in memory.
47:06so yeah, for a lot of even analytics use cases, you can do, you could, you
47:09could build interactive dashboards with this kind of technology and
47:13have a sort of constrained set of queries all running off TinyBase.
47:17And it's super feasible, and it's been.
47:20It's been fun to build that.
47:22Whether or not people are using it in the wild, I don't know.
47:24I should say, I don't put any instrumentation into this product.
47:27So who knows what people are using it for, or how they're using it.
47:31But I hope that those people who use it do, do find the value of being
47:34able to run queries, without, shooting themselves in the foot with SQL.
47:37Did you follow any sort of prior art in regards to how you built
47:41that reactive query system?
47:43So, as I was working on a similar part as, the work on Rffle, there,
47:48there was, some prior art in regards to Adapton and mini Adapton.
47:53And so this was, some inspiration, that we followed for the reactivity
47:57system and we've like over time learned that, it's very similar to how now like
48:04signals is all the rage these days.
48:06It's like very similar in terms of the ideas.
48:09So did you follow some, some similar paths?
48:13And I wish I had.
48:14I think it's one of my weaknesses.
48:16One of my weaknesses is that I look at a problem.
48:18You know, it's like the famous Hacker News thing.
48:19It's like, I could have built that in a weekend.
48:22I, I look at a reactive query system.
48:23I think, yeah, I'm sure I could build that.
48:25And then like two months later, I was like, I wish I'd read a bit more.
48:30I am not good at prior art and reading scientific papers or even
48:35just, you know, looking at other projects to see how they're done.
48:37I think, you know, I know what the result should be and I'm
48:39going to try to build it myself.
48:40And then I get into trouble.
48:42Fortunately, I worked my way out of trouble.
48:44If it makes you feel any better, even with knowledge of the prior art,
48:48it still took easily more than two months just to get anything working.
48:55Okay, that's just, that's just my, my weakness that fortunately I
48:59was able to work around this time.
49:00But yeah, I think the other thing is that I obviously knew in intense detail
49:06how the reactivity of the underlying tables, rows, and cells were right.
49:11And so I knew how I was gonna have to cascade the listener trees into all
49:16the relevant parts of the database.
49:18And, That was, yeah, that was just something I had to figure out for myself.
49:23The other thing I alluded to earlier is that TinyBase is
49:27just draped with test cases.
49:29Like, I am exhaustive, overly exhaustive.
49:32I'm completely OCD when it comes to test cases.
49:35It's not quite TDD.
49:37I don't always do the tests first, but, you know, I do eventually try
49:41to make it look like I did TDD.
49:42So I built every possible query I can think of, and I build all these demo
49:46apps, and I build all these sample, you know, fragments of code, and
49:50they all get tested exhaustively, and so I figure out, well, once, once,
49:55once those work, I'm probably there.
49:57So that, that was my benchmark, and I got there.
49:59It's probably, I'm sure it's still possible to break it,
50:02but, you know, I think, I think I'm about where it needs to be.
Schema migrations
50:06So one of my favorite problems to, to think about, and it's a
50:10love hate relationship in terms of technical problems, which are schema
50:14migrations and schema evolution, which is something I thought a lot
50:18about, through the work on Prisma.
50:20And I tried for the work on Overtone, ideally having to deal with as little
50:27as possible, or at least have a very principled foundation for that.
50:30And I feel this is a bit of a underdeveloped area in some
50:34of the available open source technologies right now, or
50:36local-first technologies right now.
50:38So I'm curious how you have been thinking about schema migrations for TinyBase.
50:45and if you've already built some foundation there.
50:48Well, before we talk about schema migrations, we should talk about schemas.
50:52even having a schema was kind of a late thought for me, TinyBase outta the
50:57box by default, when, and especially when I first built, it, didn't have
51:00the concept of a schema at all.
51:03And, you know, any row could have any set of cells.
51:07I mean, a, a a row of cells was basically just a map.
51:10So it was possible for every row of a table to have completely different
51:14cells in it, which is a bit.
51:16Scary, and contrarian especially for someone like me who'd
51:21just come from working on the world's largest data warehouse.
51:24the idea of doing this was, was a little daunting.
51:26But,, I felt like, you know, the word tiny meant I was allowed to do things like that
51:32and take away some constraints and just let people put arbitrary data into this
51:38basically a map of map of maps, right?
51:39Tables of rows of cells.
51:41Now that obviously is fun for little demo apps, but at some point you
51:46need to start tidying things up.
51:48It's all very good when it's just one person building it too, right?
51:50Because I can remember all the fields that are supposed to be in this table.
51:53but when I've got colleagues who maybe want to know what the schema is,
51:55then should do something different.
51:57So I did, yeah, we do have schema support.
51:59I did add schema support, but it's optional, right?
52:02You, you, you have to explicitly add the schema onto your store.
52:06but even then the schema is, I'm afraid, sorry, very basic.
52:10So you can say whether a cell is a, you know, string, a boolean or a number.
52:13And you can say whether it was required or not, and what the default is.
52:17That's it.
52:18So that seems a little daunting.
52:20I should say, by the way, that TinyBase only supports those data types anyway.
52:24So you can't put anything other than a string, a number, and
52:27a Boolean into a field anyway.
52:29So I don't have support for arrays, or objects, or even null.
52:35so that kind of makes you realize this is a relatively simple thing to model anyway.
52:41But yeah, that, that, that's, that's where we are right now with schemas.
52:46And once you've added a schema, it will try to massage the data
52:51into that schema, and it'll drop anything that doesn't match.
52:54that's pretty basic, I will admit.
52:55But there are two, I think, two main things I need to do from here with this,
53:00because clearly that's not sufficient.
53:01It's great for fun, simple apps.
53:03It's actually, I will say, it does allow you to do more than you might think.
53:07But anyway, people do want to do arrays, and That lets you do many to many joins,
53:12and they do want to do objects, so fine.
53:14We should probably get to that at some point.
53:16So, that's, yeah, that's my big push, I think, is making time based support
53:20richer data types inside a cell.
53:22I think arrays will be the first.
53:24I'll probably stick to having arrays of one, type, like it's going to
53:27be all numbers or all strings.
53:29I don't think I'm going to have mixed arrays.
53:31That could get too tricky.
53:32I still want to have some kind of validation.
53:34so we'll do that.
53:35, that knocks off a many to many requirement that a bunch of people have had on GitHub
53:39that I can't currently do very easily.
53:41And so we'll, we'll do that.
53:43Secondly, I would love to do more with the schemas themselves.
53:48So the, schema dialect that I put in right now is just, like I said,
53:53a fairly simple description of what the rows are, but There's Zod in the
53:57world, and there's Effect, and a bunch of other ways that people like to
54:01express schemas, and if they've already built their schema for some other part
54:05of the app, or they've built it for some, you know, some other part of the
54:08system, maybe up on the server, like, how can they then turn that into the
54:13schema that resides in the app itself?
54:16So I have no doubt that I will be building Zod to TinyBase Converter, and Effect
54:22to TinyBase Converter or some, some, something to map, map those schemas in.
54:27Still doesn't solve your problem of migration, and I will admit
54:30that I am a bit daunted by that.
54:34In general, I am daunted by the whole space of anything that
54:36requires build time code mods and, you know, running generated code.
54:42Like, I just hate that because immediately you've got a team of 10 people and all
54:46of their artifacts get out of sync.
54:47I've seen that at Facebook, right?
54:49Whether it's GraphQL or what have you.
54:51So I, always gonna be trying to look for solutions that don't require you
54:55to run a build step, to generate some magic code that you then have to remember
55:00to link in, how to actually avoid that step and still do schema migration.
55:05is not quite in my head yet.
55:07So I share your sentiment.
55:09These things are underdeveloped, but I don't have an answer for you.
55:12I can share my thoughts on it, which is, kind of like an architectural one, that
55:18has quite a lot of implications, but those implications are appealing to me, I would
55:23separate the read path from the write path and have the write path be event driven.
55:29And that allows me to do sort of event sourcing.
55:33So similar to how Redux works, but, persisted and distributed
55:37Redux, if you, if you want.
55:39And, then like the way, how you interpret your Redux events.
55:44you can interpret them however you want, and you can very
55:47easily change that over time.
55:49So you basically just go through the entire event source, the entire event
55:53log of events, the entire history, and your app database that you
55:58read from, that is just, a result.
56:01By going through all the events and every event, you might come
56:06across like a user signed up event.
56:08, you then translate into a insert into users with all the values.
56:15And you can change the user table at any moment, you can, instead of
56:19having one user table, you can have a customer's table and an employee's
56:23table and just reinterpret the events.
56:26And so this way, you don't have schema migrations at all.
56:29You just change sort of the . Interpretation of your event.
56:33it requires a bit of a different architectural approach and I'm
56:36building LiveStore all around this idea, which is very different
56:40from, from other approaches.
56:42But it's the most principled approach that I can currently think of in
56:47terms of schema migrations, where you don't do like my schema migrations,
56:51basically just I design a new schema.
56:53And I target that and there's no, like, up or down scripts.
56:58and so that is very appealing, but it has other downsides as well.
57:02But this is certainly an idea that I, that I think is worth exploring more.
57:07No, I like that.
57:08And it also shares, , Similarities with what I'm separately having to do
57:12for the, native CRDT synchronization, as of TinyBase version 5, which at
57:18the time we're speaking isn't quite released, but by the time this podcast
57:21is out might have been released.
57:22So, hey everybody, go download version 5.
57:25but no, it's, it's got a native CRDT support and I do that by sending,
57:29you know, basically little, little messages, but those are the data.
57:33level, right?
57:33It's, you know, here's, here's how this cell changed, and I wonder whether
57:37like there's some higher abstraction for those messages that is then sort
57:41of schema agnostic or that can be mapped into whatever the schema is.
57:45Because by the way, the minute you start synchronizing things, the schemas
57:49getting out of date is going to become an issue very quickly, because maybe
57:53you've updated the app on your phone, but you haven't updated the app on
57:55your desktop, but now they're jogging.
57:58You know, WebSockets to each other and all hell breaks loose because
58:01the schemas weren't quite the same.
58:02It's all questions at the moment.
58:04I think there's a whole episode just to be done around that.
58:07Happy to form a little working group around this, but I think that goes
58:11beyond the scope of, of this podcast.
58:14but yeah, I think you've come really, really far with TinyBase and this
58:18is, I think, a very common area of the local-first technologies part
58:24that is not yet as fully explored.
58:28and I've just changed my priorities to go double down on that from
58:32the beginning, since I know like how gnarly this is to deal with.
58:37Well, can I just say that, you know, from the point of view of exhaustiveness,
58:41there are many, many unsolved problems in the local-first space.
58:46And I have a horrible feeling that it's easy to think that
58:50synchronization is the problem.
58:52And then once you've solved synchronization, you're good.
58:55Well, I don't think that's true.
58:57And the reason I think that is that I've tried building some local-first
59:03apps that, you know, have things like anonymous versus authenticated access,
59:08or that have private data versus shared data, or that have online, offline, and,
59:14you basically multiply this state machine together and you've got like, you know,
59:18two to the power of four combinations of state that your clients can be in.
59:23It's all very well being able to synchronize data back and forwards, but,
59:26like, you don't want to synchronize a non shared store with another user, or
59:29you don't want to share an authenticated, you know, you brought a copy of an
59:34authenticated database to be local, but now you log out and now that's
59:38got to go, like, the state machine of what it actually takes to build a
59:40real app like Figma or I don't know.
59:45It's like, wow, there are lots of crazy, crazy transitions that can change here.
59:49And I don't think anyone's really thinking about all of those.
59:52I think we all got hung up on, oh, once we crack CRDTs, we'll be good.
59:56No, no, no, no, that's the easy part.
59:57It's not state management, it's the state of the state management in a way.
1:00:00It's like, should I be synchronizing this data?
1:00:03Because this person isn't logged in, or is logged in, or is online, or is
1:00:07offline, or has shared this document, or hasn't shared this document, and
1:00:11that is actually unsolved, I think.
1:00:14So I built a little sample app called Tiny Rooms a way back, and like,
1:00:19the app itself is stupid, it's just dragging rectangles around, but like,
1:00:21I tried to model all of these different states, and it was really hard.
1:00:25Like, I was, oh god.
1:00:27I would hate to be actually trying to build a production grade
1:00:30local-first app at the moment because those problems are really hard.
1:00:33Yeah, I think the, the benefits are that if you're building linear
1:00:39or if you're building Figma or if you're building, Tiny rooms.
1:00:43the advantage for you is that you have very specific trade offs, very specific
1:00:49constraints that work for your app.
1:00:52And so you can take tons of shortcuts that for a more
1:00:55general solution are not viable.
1:00:57But for your app works.
1:01:00And so, given that, well, there, there's many trade offs that
1:01:04Figma can make that would not work for Linear and, and vice versa.
1:01:08But I think that is where you can still build things in a local-first way,
1:01:12that is like competitively, beneficial.
1:01:15but I agree having the best of all worlds, is where we're a few
1:01:20days away from that, at least.
1:01:23So I think that's one of the curses of being a, a tools
1:01:25builder like, like you, right.
1:01:27you know, I feel that I'm building shovels for people who are going
1:01:30to go off digging for gold.
1:01:31but I have to build a shovel that'll work in all different
1:01:34types of terrain to be successful.
1:01:36Um, and so like I said, you know, is it going to be online, offline,
1:01:39auth, not auth, stored locally, stored remotely shared or not shared?
1:01:43Like, okay, now 16 combinations, got to support all 16.
1:01:46Whereas yes, if you're Figma, you can say, well, no, you
1:01:48can't ever use it anonymously.
1:01:49You've always got to be logged in.
1:01:50It's like, oh, great.
1:01:50Okay, fine.
1:01:51Like, I've just reduced that problem to eight.
1:01:54Pick your trade offs very carefully.
1:01:56And so this is why I'm also, why I'm working on Overtone
1:01:59and LiveStore at the same time.
1:02:02So if your app is sort of like Overtone esque shaped, then LiveStore
1:02:08will work really well for you.
1:02:09If it looks rather like Facebook, like a social network, or has like
1:02:13some very different shapes and trade offs, then it's not as good of a fit.
1:02:18But I think this is also what's so nice about having all those different
1:02:22local-first tool vendors is they have all their different starting points and all
1:02:26their different thoughts on trade offs.
1:02:29And, I think this is where we're going to have a great shovel
1:02:32for many different terrains.
1:02:35I think that's exactly right.
1:02:36You know, it's a dilemma.
1:02:37Do you build a tool that fits one niche perfectly?
1:02:41And, yeah, of course, that really informs, and you'll build a, you know, brilliant
1:02:45tool for the one job you have in mind.
1:02:48but at the same time, you may have limited your market.
1:02:51Now, fortunately, I don't have to think about those things because, you know, it's
1:02:54not a commercial, commercial business.
1:02:56and I'm, but I'm trying to keep as many People are happy as possible.
1:02:58And if I'm just listening to the feedback that's coming in on, on
1:03:01GitHub and people are saying, Oh, I want it to go off in this direction.
1:03:04And, Oh, someone else wants to go off in that direction.
1:03:05It's like, okay I'm going to try to, maybe I'm going to
1:03:10try to keep everybody happy.
1:03:11but then the complexity falls onto me.
1:03:13And that's where being a tools builder starts getting hard work.
1:03:16You know, this.
1:03:18I mean, for, for what it's worth, I think I'm trying to actually, write
1:03:23down the cases where LiveStore is not a great fit for, and I'm trying
1:03:27to be like, very explicit about the trade offs that I'm making.
1:03:31So for example, LiveStore right now expects you to load all of your data
1:03:35into a single SQLite in memory database.
1:03:39Luckily, SQLite is very efficient, like based on my benchmarks and testing, much
1:03:44more efficient than like JSON in memory.
1:03:47It's much more efficient to keep like hundreds of thousands of rows in,
1:03:51in memory SQLite as you keep them in just JavaScript objects in, in memory.
1:03:57you need to just, deserialize the, just a few ones that you
1:04:01actually want to like currently keep in memory for, for your query.
1:04:05And so, but that's a major trade off.
1:04:07If you have your database, if that's necessarily five gigabytes.
1:04:11Then LiveStore is probably not a great fit for you.
1:04:14Or if you don't want to follow the more like event sourced, nature of it, then
1:04:20it's probably also not a good fit for it.
1:04:21But I think this is what makes it more specific for when it's a good
1:04:26fit for someone, whereas if it's not.
1:04:28So actually this brings us onto an interesting thing that I think
1:04:31this community needs, which is.
1:04:34kind of a, a community view of what all these pros and cons are of the
1:04:38different solutions and what the decision tree should be if you want
1:04:43to build an app of a certain type.
1:04:45You know, am I going to be online or am I going to be offline?
1:04:47Am I going to be authed or not authed?
1:04:48You know, how do I work my way down to what is going to be the best solution?
1:04:52Because of course, you talk to a vendor, they're going to say,
1:04:54oh, well, we can do everything.
1:04:55but something that allows people to know when, you know, when should I use.
1:05:00In something like the more mature front end world, people know when
1:05:04they should be using React versus Svelte or whatever, I guess.
1:05:07There are plenty of places you can go and read up about what the pros and the
1:05:12cons are of these different solutions.
1:05:14But right now, if you're looking at Database Sync Technology A and
1:05:18Database Sync Technology B, they're both local-first, apparently, right?
1:05:22But one's going to be better for one thing versus another.
1:05:24Who's going providing that commentary.
1:05:26And I think we haven't got that critical mass of users yet to be able to say, well,
1:05:30I tried it and this didn't scale, but I went to this one and this one worked.
1:05:33Someone else saying the opposite.
1:05:34And then you can like have that debate.
1:05:36and so.
1:05:38Actually, this is something I didn't mention, but, you know, one of, one
1:05:40of the parts of my local-first journey was, was putting together a directory
1:05:44of these solutions that I was finding.
1:05:46And so I launched that as the localfirstweb.dev site.
1:05:50And that was partly me just trying to enumerate what these
1:05:53different solutions were.
1:05:55And obviously a community is built up around that.
1:05:57And now we obviously have the conference as well.
1:05:58And what I'm really hoping is that we see more and more people building real
1:06:01apps, learning What trade offs they're having to make, and which of these
1:06:05solutions they're then converging on.
1:06:08given those and, and I think it's fine to have lots of different types of tools.
1:06:11Sometimes you need a pickaxe, sometimes you need a shovel,
1:06:13sometimes you need a pan to get the gold out of the river, right?
1:06:16But it's not always obvious which tool you should take until you've
1:06:19actually gone out into the hills and started looking for gold.
1:06:22Sorry to stretch the analogy, maybe it's because I lived in California
1:06:24for a while, but you know, I think we're not at that point yet, right?
1:06:27We haven't had enough, we've not had enough miners going up into them,
1:06:30there hills to go look for the gold.
1:06:32so we haven't formed opinions about what the right trade offs are and
1:06:36We will get there.
1:06:37So speaking of real apps, it seems like I've recently nerd sniped on Twitter.
1:06:42I've recently nerd sniped you into building another app on top of TinyBase,
1:06:48which is a local-first GitHub client.
1:06:51And you've made quite a lot of progress on that.
1:06:53Do you, do you mind sharing more?
1:06:55So that was a, that was a clinical nerd snipe.
1:06:58That was, that was one of the finest even though I was the victim.
1:07:01So as I mentioned, you know, one of my original ideas for an app that would
1:07:04use something like TinyBase was an open source dashboard that would let you see
1:07:08large numbers of repos and, and, and, and study them and understand them at scale.
1:07:12And I just never got around to building it.
1:07:14And then of course you said something on Twitter like, Oh, wouldn't it be awesome
1:07:17if there was a local-first GitHub client?
1:07:19I'm like, No!
1:07:20Damn it!
1:07:21That's what I was supposed to build!
1:07:22Now I remember!
1:07:23So I took that and I figured that I would maybe go and put
1:07:28my, my code where my mouth was.
1:07:31So I started a little repo called TinyHub, which is in the
1:07:36same , parent org as TinyBase.
1:07:39So I guess you have show notes.
1:07:41There'll be a link in the show notes and, people can go check that out.
1:07:44And yes, it's a GitHub client for running locally in your browser.
1:07:48And I wanted to try and build it as quickly as I could, just to hopefully
1:07:52prove to myself that building apps with TinyBase would be fun.
1:07:56And what it does is it, there's a quick bit of GitHub OAuth right
1:08:01at the beginning, and it then will pull repos that are either starred
1:08:05or that you, have personally, or any orgs that you're a member of if
1:08:09you accept those OAuth permissions.
1:08:12Anyway, long story short, it pulls the GitHub data via the API down
1:08:16into a local TinyBase instance.
1:08:19In fact, a number of instances.
1:08:20It actually has, there's a TinyBase instance per repo, because if you
1:08:24pull React, like, okay, now we've got 20, 000 pull requests or something.
1:08:29So it will pull data locally, stores it in local storage.
1:08:35Yes which seems to be fine, actually.
1:08:38, just, it's a, the first hundred records which is the basic
1:08:42pagination for, for GitHub.
1:08:44So it's, it's not, you know, a comprehensive open source dashboard, but
1:08:48it at least gives you A sample of, you know, 100 repos from 100 orgs and up to
1:08:53100 pull requests and issues from each.
1:08:55And yeah, then just paint a React UI out of that data.
1:08:58And if you go check the repo, you'll see I put a little video
1:09:02on the front page of the readme.
1:09:04And of course, the beauty of this is that now all of this GitHub
1:09:06data is sitting in your browser.
1:09:09And, it's in memory, but you can flip through it at 16 milliseconds
1:09:14a frame, to your heart's content.
1:09:15So, you know, you press the, you press the down cursor and it whizzes down
1:09:19through the pull requests and it's pffft.
1:09:21Views them all instantly.
1:09:22Not a spinner in sight.
1:09:24It's pretty awesome.
1:09:25I'm not sure it's a particularly useful tool at this point because it's read only.
1:09:28Um, and it obviously has to do some work to pull the data down at the beginning.
1:09:33But it certainly, I hope, emphasizes the fact that if you co locate your
1:09:38data with the app, which I think is kind of like what this, this, this
1:09:41local-first thing should be all about at some point, it's amazing.
1:09:44Like, the UX is spectacular.
1:09:46Um, and you can just paginate through this stuff at the speed of thought.
1:09:50Which is really amazing.
1:09:52I will just add a little side note here, is my philosophy around local-first, or
1:09:56my motivation for local-first, apart from being on a boat, is the user experience.
1:10:01I'm just tired of looking at spinners, because I'm waiting for
1:10:03something to pull down and cache locally and then get thrown away.
1:10:06Like, if I can get everything into the browser as soon as possible,
1:10:09and then just go through it at 16 milliseconds That's, that's amazing.
1:10:13So hopefully that has emphasized that point of local-first.
1:10:18Yes, it's about data governance.
1:10:20It's about, you know, owning your own data.
1:10:22It's about you know, all the other things that are laid out in many, many
1:10:26other essays other than mine, but like having a UX like that is really, for me,
1:10:31what it's all about, that's the focus.
1:10:33, and yeah, so I'd encourage people to go check out TinyHub and that's
1:10:37me building what I think is a state of the art TinyBase app.
1:10:42I would still say that to make it fully functional, making it read write is
1:10:47a little more tricky because whilst GitHub has some pretty awesome bulk
1:10:51read APIs the write APIs are a little different and making changes to a
1:10:58local datastore and then going back online and reconciling that back up
1:11:01to GitHub is not as easy as it sounds.
1:11:04I'm sure it's Events are probably the answer to that, is what you'll say.
1:11:07Um, but but I'm not there yet.
1:11:09Yeah, again, to my earlier joke that we have more tools than, apps at this
1:11:14point, I really want to just add to the pool of local-first demos, right, but
1:11:19add to the number of apps that show what could be done, and really emphasize what
1:11:23the benefits are of this whole movement rather than just building shovels.
1:11:27I'm actually going to go out and look for some gold myself as well,
1:11:31I think that's a wonderful place to, to wrap it here.
1:11:35James, thank you so much for coming on the show today, sharing all of your wisdom
1:11:40on TinyBase, the path that led you here.
1:11:43Thank you so much.
1:11:44It's been a huge pleasure and I wish the podcast the greatest success.
1:11:48I'm so excited that you've set it up and honored to be a small part of it.
1:11:52And thank you to everybody that has made it this far and,
1:11:56followed the TinyBase journey.
1:11:57It's been a privilege to work on this and share it with you all.
1:12:00Thank you for listening to the local-first FM podcast.
1:12:03If you've enjoyed this episode and haven't done so already, please subscribe and
1:12:06leave a review wherever you're listening.
1:12:08Please also share this episode with others.
1:12:11Spreading the word about the podcast is a great way to
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1:12:16A special thanks again to Rocicorp and Expo for supporting this podcast.